We are a superpower because we have economic and military leverage. The above is one of the reasons China is gaining so much power along with their military strength including their military space technology with lasers that can knock out communication satellites.
Democrats want to take away our leverage; they don't think we need it. They don't want to continue tax breaks for corporations even though our country has experienced record breaking employment measures. They like to make it appear that only the rich have benefited from the tax cuts but it's a blatant lie. The hundreds of thousands of jobs created every month aren't executive level positions; they're jobs across all spectrums mostly lower to middle-class. They treat these corporations like they're evil which is exactly what communists and socialists believe.
Trump has increased our military spending which is keeping China, North Korea, and Russia in check. Democrats don't want this, they want to decrease military spending dramatically. Our military was in horrendous shape. Aircraft were grounded because we didn't have enough fuel allocated nor enough mechanics. Equipment and technology had become outdated. I'm not an expert so I don't know how much is the right balance and I definitely don't want to waste money on equipment we don't need, but the bottom line is that military leaders were warning the Obama Administration for years that our military was struggling and nothing was done until Republicans made a move.
The bottom line if you listen to what these 2020 hopefuls are saying, is that their ideology is to attack corporate America. Attack successful people. Attack our military. They want to take down the very things that make our country a superpower thus protecting the best interests of U.S. citizens' interests. We have an overall better standard of living than anyplace else in the world yet they want to radically transform our country; their words. If you too want to see an end to our Republic just as what occurred in Greece and Rome, then vote Democrat in 2020.