My question is why wouldn’t the DNC accept their help? Keep in mind both the DHS and FBI were under President Obama at the time so they shouldn’t have had any political concerns. Just my opinion, but I don’t think Obama knew the nefarious things that were going on with the DNC; some of which we found out about because of WikiLeaks.
There’s no doubt some of these leaked emails negatively impacted Hillary’s chances of being elected. Some people were losing faith in the integrity of the Democrat Party including a lot of young people who found out the DNC was working for Hillary and against their candidate Bernie Sanders. Many Democrats were shocked that so many young people, who they expected to come out and vote for Hillary, didn’t. This was the DNC’s fault for letting them down. All the finger pointing they’ve done as to why Hillary lost and they don’t want to admit any culpability.
There’s only one logical conclusion as to why the DNC wouldn’t take help from the DHS and FBI and that is they had things to hide. What else could it be? Here the Democrats were complaining about the hacks and claiming the Republican Party was behind it (they weren’t), but they wouldn’t let the people who could figure out what was happening take a look at the servers. Doesn’t this sound strange to you?
If you’re wondering why this information just came out, it was actually reported by the DHS in a press conference during the Presidential campaign. The problem was that coincidentally, the information was released at the same time the controversial Donald Trump interview on the show: Inside Edition was reported.
The mainstream media provided non-stop coverage of Trump and didn’t cover the story questioning what the DNC had to hide. The last thing the DNC and Hillary Clinton needed was for Americans to question why they wouldn’t turn over their servers to the FBI and DHS so the media was performing their duty of providing cover.