He had to admit through questioning by the Republicans, that he wasn’t told directly by anyone, including Trump, that we need to hold back aid to Ukraine unless they investigated. As a matter of fact, throughout this entire hearing, no one has said that there's direct evidence that President Trump demanded in any way, that the Ukraine investigate, or they wouldn't receive foreign aid.
One of the many things that disgust me about how Democrats have attempted to make it appear Trump is guilty, is that they made it appear that holding back foreign aid was unheard of which is a complete lie. Trump changed foreign policy from the very beginning, and he talked about it before he was elected. He said we’d begin holding back foreign aid until it was clear what the objectives were for the money. Previous presidents were terrible about throwing money away. We were paying countries the same amount of money each year, in the same timely installments, without questioning what we were getting in return. So, when Democrats said that when Ukraine didn’t receive aid for 55 days and that this was evidence that Trump was up to something, wasn’t true, it holding aid was happening with many countries this year alone.
The bottom line is that Democrats and the mainstream media have done everything they can to shape public opinion and they aren’t moving the needle. People took sides from the beginning and it’s not changing much at all. If anything, it has fired up Trump’s base and the Republican Party in general, even more than ever.
After all this madness, Trump will not be impeached because Republicans don't believe their voter base believes he should so it will never pass the Senate. But I guess that some Democrats are okay with this, they’re primary goal was to have an open venue to attack Trump in hopes of negatively impacting his 2020 campaign.
What I find interesting is that there are some democrats who are furious with the hearing because they’re in swing states and they’re being painted as highly partisan when they ran campaigns of working with the Republican Party. They also have a major problem of making their constituents believe they don’t believe in a large part of the Democratic platform (i.e. no border walls because walls are immoral, free healthcare for illegal immigrants, paying off student loans, free college tuition, getting rid of private healthcare insurance, etc.). These ideas don’t play well in swing states like Ohio, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin. I find it sad that these particular politicians are stuck in this situation considering all they want to do is represent their constituency.
At the end of the day, and once again, we’re stuck with hearings that will bear no fruit. There’s so much that is needed to be accomplished in D.C., and our representatives are so busy playing politics for their own ambitions, that our country is suffering for it. What can we do about it? Don’t vote in any incumbents regardless of the political party. We’ll force term limits. Once they get the idea that it’s a waste of time working on building their own influence and power on Capitol Hill, they’ll finally get around to conducting the peoples’ business.