When I gave seminars on how to make it a great life I’d cover this topic and I’d ask everyone that when they went home to make the time to sit down in a quiet place with a pen and pad, and think about this question. There’s a secret to happiness and that secret is to know what makes you happy and then make it happen.
For me it’s pretty simple as the things that make me happy include going to the beach, listening to music (mostly 70’s rock and country), reading, watching television, watching movies, researching/writing for my blog and working on my book project. Knowing this, I have to make sure I do them. I go to the beach pretty often. I listen to music when I’m out walking or sitting on the beach. I always have a book to read. I watch television during primetime and I go to the movies about once a month. Lastly, when I’m not doing the other things I’ve listed or taking care of errands or chores, I’m busy writing.
Besides the articles for my blog I have two volumes of books I’m working on with each volume containing information on 50 famous people (i.e. Alexander the Great, Ernest Hemmingway, Joan of Arc, Ted Bundy, Thomas Jefferson, etc.). Needless to say, I’m not running out of things to write about and I absolutely love researching and writing.
Like I said my list of things that make me happy isn’t that complicated but some people might have more challenging things to pursue like possibly travelling which costs money. But if that’s the case then they need to figure out how much money they can spend and then back into where they can go. Maybe a trip to Italy is out of the question financially but what about a trip to Napa and Sonoma valleys in California? A lot of those areas look a lot like Tuscany.
Sometimes it isn’t where you go so much as it is to get out of your home where there are constant reminders of things you need to get done. Happiness surely includes getting away from the daily grind. But the bottom line is if travelling is one of the greatest things that make you happy then you have to plan for it and allocate the time. No one is out there trying to figure out ways for you to have a happy life, it’s up to you.
So the great secret to happiness is this: know what makes you happy then bring those things into your life. Do you know those things that make you happy? As you are well aware, time flies so if you have never sat down to figure this out and/or you aren’t making the time to do the things that make you happy, then it’s time to get started.