President Trump was correct when he said bad things were done by both sides as clearly seen in videos. Did you notice that most of the mainstream media didn’t condemn the violence from the Left (ANTIFA)? The fact is the counter-protestors would’ve done more for their cause if they stayed home and let the hate groups who had a permit to be where they were, to not receive any press. The media showed up because they were hoping for a clash (if it bleeds, it leads). Let this sink in, the media hoped it would get violent.
CBS just did a story where they visited the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), to receive information about the growing trend of hate groups across our country but they failed to let the viewers know that this particular law center is a non-profit Civil Rights organization that creates funding by enhancing the problem of white supremacy. It was important to have this context when watching their coverage but journalistic integrity seems to have gone away.
The SPLC provided a lot of information for the CBS reporter that would scare anyone into thinking these hate groups are infiltrating our society but here’s one critical thing they don’t share and that is there’s only around 7,500 members in the major white supremacy groups. This means that only .003% of white Americans are part of these hate groups. There are around 190 Black Separatists groups across the U.S. while there are 130 KKK groups so whites don’t have a corner on the hate market. How many times have you heard the mainstream media bring up the Black Panthers or Black Separatists? They don’t. Have you ever asked yourself why?
I don’t care for what these hate groups stand for but I also know we have a Constitution that supports freedom of speech. They have the right to say what they want and we have the right to not listen to them. Let them be that tree that falls down in a forest. If we’re not there to listen, will they make a sound?