They then interviewed African American students regarding the issue and at least they came up with examples. I heard a few of them say that white people don't know what it's like to be followed in a store or looked at differently. I understand the store thing but it's not really a white issue it's more a black issue where the police have figured out where most of the shoplifting is coming from in certain areas.
If you’re an African American who is dressed decently and is walking around the Mall near me, no one would be following you around. If you are black or white and don’t look like you have money, someone would probably be keeping their eye on you.
They profile because they can't afford not to. With only so many security guards, they're going to fish where the fish are so to speak. In this case, it's kind of hard to put the label of “white privilege” on people when all they've done is not create a reputation for committing crimes.
In reference to being looked at differently, I do know a little bit about this issue since I attended an almost all black college (Winston-Salem State University). I could tell some people had a chip on their shoulder about me, but I also got a long great with most of the students. It wasn’t a good feeling having people judge me by the color of my skin and make all kinds of assumptions which weren’t true but it's just sticks and stones.
Same thing with some African Americans who get profiled incorrectly. Let’s face it, most are really good people but there are welfare pockets across our country where many things are terrible in the black community including child abuse/neglect, drugs, murder, rape, etc. Even though a large percentage of African Americans are good people, the negative image of their communities with things such as crime and lack of education, sticks to the guilty as well as innocent.
When it comes to jobs, promotions, treatment by police officers, etc., there's absolutely no proof of systemic white privilege. The Black Lives Matter group screams about this all the time but it's an emotional argument because they don't have solid facts that it's anything beyond isolated cases. The DOJ gets called in a lot to investigate various cases of discrimination in our judicial system. As you can imagine, “innocent” people are always claiming police brutality and are often saying the police were calling them the “N” word.
In most cases, the DOJ clears the police department with minor tweaks to policy/protocol. The fact is, as long as police officers who are guilty receive the correct punishment, that's the best we can do. In the corporate world I was very aware of what offenses could lead to termination. In the public sector it appears there are no consequences.
We’ve certainly seen on plenty of occasions where government employees refused to answer questions through Pleading the 5th. This was after them being granted immunity which means it didn’t matter what these people said, they wouldn’t be arrested. Why in the world, would they not talk when they weren’t going to get in any trouble? I believe there’s only one reasonable explanation and that is people were being paid under the table.
I can’t say I went on an exhaustive investigation but good luck trying to track people down who were involved in the Hillary Email Scandal like Bryan Pagliano; the main guy with all the answers. The reason I was trying to track him down is I wanted to know if he was paid a few million dollars to keep his mouth shut. Low and behold, I had all kinds of problems trying to get his work history. It really is as simple sometimes as just asking yourself “what and/or why?” In this case, what did Pagliano have to gain from keeping his mouth shut? All the Clintons had to do is provide him with a lucrative salary at the Clinton Foundation. Keep in mind, I’m talking about Democrats and Republicans in that it seems no one is held accountable. In most cases these people keep their jobs and their pensions.
At the end of the day, if white privilege does exist, what could whites do about it besides feel guilty. I've got to say that the SJW's that jumped on white privilege (even Hillary said she had it), should move on to bigger and better things; common sense tells me that this crazy initiative won't gain traction beyond Progressives who are clueless. This mentality like so many other victimhood issues Democrats bring up, only serve to hurt the people they say they’re helping.