As I’ve mentioned before, the Civil War could’ve actually been called The Political War because it was a fight between Democrats who wanted slavery and Republicans who didn’t. There were around four million slaves in 1860 and registered Democrats owned every one of them. As you can imagine, this is something Democrats have attempted to write out of history.
When you hear Democrats talk about slavery notice they always throw our entire country under the bus without mentioning that it was them who didn’t respect African Americans as human beings who deserved Constitutional rights. So when they talk about reparations for the black community they’re trying to put all taxpayers on the hook when in reality members of the Democrat Party should pay reparations if they believe in it so much. I realize that current members of the Democrat Party aren’t responsible for what happened in the past but since they’re the ones who want to hold everyone accountable regardless of their role in various issues then they should walk the talk and open their wallets.
A couple of side notes. I wonder if the roles were reversed would whites still be in chains or would a majority of blacks have risen up and fought to free the whites? As a race are they morally superior and would’ve never owned slaves? Have they asked themselves these important questions because it would make a difference in their mindset regarding race relations.
What we do know is that slavery existed in Africa. When one tribe defeated another they would take the younger women and children to be their slaves or to sell as slaves. If the women and children didn’t bring some value to the tribe who won the battle they were killed. What I can’t answer is whether they would’ve been better off killed than enslaved but the bottom line is whether blacks came to our country or stayed in Africa, they were subject to slavery.
The other side note is that sometimes tragic situations end up turning out well. Most African Americans are blessed to live here compared to any African nation. Even if their ancestors stayed in Africa and were never enslaved they would at this point be living in terrible conditions comparatively speaking. African Americans have benefited from the sacrifice their ancestors and Republicans made to fight for their freedom. The sad part is that too many of them buy into (with support from the Democrat Party), pushing a “victimhood” agenda and squander the opportunities their ancestors fought so hard for.
Our country was and is still a test model for a democracy and it’s been shockingly successful. We’re spoiled but we neglect to count our blessings. We weren’t perfect when our nation got started and we’re not perfect now, but comparatively speaking all critical elements of our society (i.e. economy, government stability, human rights, etc.), are by far superior to most countries.
If you’re a parent I beg of you to teach your children to appreciate the many great things about our country before they leave home and have to deal with all the negativity of the Left because their divisive rhetoric will cripple our country if it continues on its current path. Focusing more on the negatives of our history instead of the tremendous things we’ve done to help people around the world (including human rights issues), isn’t fair to our great nation and all those who have sacrificed so we can enjoy the rights we have today.