The fact is, if we spend a lot of time with other people we end up with problems. Things they say or don’t say, things they do or don’t do, inevitably there’s going to be conflicts; it’s human nature. This could happen even if someone is our best friend and staying with us.
I mention the above because if you agree with me that these things are true, then why in the world do we expect more out of our spouses? Of course, they’ll make us mad, who wouldn’t? Of course, they’ll say and do and not do things that we’ll make us very angry, who wouldn’t? I’m shocked that Maggie has put up with my idiosyncrasies for around 37 years. That’s what is so amazing about spouses, they’ve seen and heard our worse, and they keep coming home.
So, the next time one of our spouses sends us through the roof, remember, who wouldn’t? :)