The question is: “Are we lazy because we don’t get involved in these things?” Not to try and justify my behavior but I believe for several reasons that it isn’t a matter of laziness but more a matter of frustration. Who among us thinks our vote really counts? Who thinks that our Congress and Senate will work together to pass real legislation that will make a positive difference for our country? Who thinks that it’s easy to deal with government when you have a problem you need addressed? Who thinks government forms are easy to fill out? Who believes the promises any presidential candidate makes? I could go on and on as I’m sure you could too.
With the above in mind it makes perfect sense that we’ve become apathetic and desensitized to the world around us. I’m sure that if most of us felt we could really make a difference that we would give it a shot.
The sad thing is when we reach a level of being apathetic we’re exactly where our government wants us. A good analogy (at least I think so) is how some bosses are smart enough to manage by walking around. She knows that she needs to inspect what she expects. Let’s face it, when we’re an employee of someone like this, we are much more likely to do our jobs more efficiently and effectively; it’s just human nature. I’ve always been a hard worker but I guarantee you that I stepped it up a notch when I’ve had eyes and ears on me.
This is exactly what our government doesn’t want. They don’t want us getting into their business. It’s worked well for them too because they’ve (even local government employees) been able to increase their benefits and salaries way beyond what an average citizen makes. The bottom line is they aren’t effective nor are they efficient and the only way we can figure out where the problems are is to get involved and start inspecting what they’re doing.
So being apathetic sometimes makes perfect sense to me and I don’t believe it has anything to do with laziness. I’ve pushed myself over this last year to get more involved but not everyone has the time to do this. My recommendation is to pick your battles. If there’s legislation that you feel strongly about then email everyone who needs to know about it. Provide them with this email site: It lists all representatives at both state and federal levels and gives you a way to contact them via phone or email. Pounding them with a lot of calls and emails will make them realize they are being watched.