There are several problems with this mindset. The major problem with it is that the Federal and State income taxes public employees pay goes directly back to them to pay for their salaries and benefits. The taxes they pay don’t contribute to the things private sector employees contribute towards like emergency responders, roads, schools, etc. This point alone negates their debate for more government.
The private sector pays to keep more than 400 Federal government agencies going and what are they really doing for us? What is the value of all these agencies? How many of them could close down and you and I wouldn’t feel any impact? Most teachers will certainly tell you they don’t benefit from having a U.S. Department of Education.
The average employee in the Department of Education makes more than twice what a teacher makes. Is a bureaucrat in the Department of Education worth more than the teachers who impact our children’s futures? Keep in mind, I said “average employee,” as there are hundreds of employees in this agency who make a lot more than an average business owner does in the U.S. Several make over $200,000.
Every new job in the private sector helps pay for things like Medicaid, Social Security, and Unemployment whereas new jobs in the public sector don’t even pay enough in taxes to pay for themselves. It should be so simple to see that less government and the pursuit of capitalism is what makes for a prosperous nation.