Be the person in the customer service line who begins the interaction with a smile and kind word no matter how long you've been waiting. Has venting through going off on the employee ever worked in getting you in and out quicker? I'd say the chances are that venting didn't even help much at all. Be the one prepared with inspirational stories you've read heard or read about, that you can slide into conversations. I do this all the time because there are so many amazing stories of people, places, and things, throughout history, that people love to learn about...some of which I post. Basically, it's about doing a little homework to give people what they need, especially now, with so much mental and physical anguish taking place because of the COVID-19 Virus and the elections in general.
God gave us his greatest commandment and that is to demonstrate "Love," to one another. This means he wants us to encourage others, to lift their spirits. There's only so many ways to make God proud, this is one of them that is so easy to do and selfishly provides the giver of such love a tremendous amount of peace and joy. May peace and joy be with you always!