1) If you support criminals more than the police, you might be a democrat.
2) If you think that children between the ages of four and eight should be taught about things like critical race theory, gender identity, sexual orientation, etc.,, you might be a democrat.
3) If you think it makes since to force people whose current average vehicle costs for their household is around $6,000 per car/truck and make them buy an electric vehicle whose average price is now around $70,000, you might be a democrat.
4) If you think that the U.S. having a Green New Deal will impact the world when we only make up around 5% of the world's population, you might be a democrat.
5) If you think George Floyd was a hero, you might be a democrat.
6) If you think that equal outcomes is more important than equal opportunities, you might be a democrat.
7) If you think that the top 1% of taxpayers aren't paying their fair share of taxes and that the IRS is somehow letting them slide, you might be a democrat.
8) If you think that demonizing drug companies, farmers, oil companies, etc., is a smart economic move, you might be a democrat.
9) If you don't understand the impact of U.S. debt on an economy, you might be a democrat.
10) If you think that purchasing oil from other countries instead of producing it here, positively impacts the environment, you might be a democrat.
11) If you think that double standards are a tool for the sake of retribution, you might be a democrat.
12) If you think there should be a national holiday based on peoples' sexual orientation, you might be a democrat.
13) If you think that the end justifies the means, you might be a democrat.
14) If you think that dispensation should exist for people based on gender, race, sexual orientation, etc., you might be a democrat.
15) If you think that going to peoples' homes to remove their weapons is constitutional, or smart for that matter, you might be a democrat.
Doesn't the above make the decision making process as to whether someone is a better fit for the Democratic Party or Republican Party, much easier? 😎